Powerful Presentations Overview

Supporting Professionals To Confidently And Skillfully Present To A Variety Of Audiences.

What it involves

Every person pursuing a corporate career will be required to present at some point, both to groups and individuals. This module focuses on design and delivery and creating impact with confidence and conviction.

A highly interactive, engaging and stretching module, Powerful Presentations is all about enabling and empowering participants with the confidence and ability to present like a star. Focusing on all elements of a presentation, participants will learn what makes a great presenter, including structure, mirroring, audience engagement, body language, tonality, confidence, utilizing visual aids, being memorable and more.

Learning Objectives

  • The structure of effective presentations – opening, connecting and concluding
  • Understanding, engaging and interacting with your audience
  • Dealing with fear and nervous energy
  • Advanced body language, tone and projection techniques
  • Using visual aids and how to use (and not use) PowerPoint
  • How to be memorable – command, compel and connect





The Specifics

  • This is a 2 day course, beginning at 9:30am and finishing at 5:00pm on each day.
  • Action plans are sent through to the delegate’s line manager to ensure training goals can be realistically achieved and that this impact is measurable
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